
Really Good News is here!

“Original and effective”. “Excellent”. “We ran out of booklets, probably could have used 100”. “A blessing to our students.” “An original and effective way of reaching people with the true meaning of Christmas.”

Christmas has been swallowed up by schmaltzy pop songs, Santa Claus in every shopping centre, and ads calling on parents to buy more ‘stuff’ for their children. Somewhere along the way, the reason why our nation has declared Christmas Day and Boxing Day public holidays has been lost.

Families come together, enjoy a feast and exchange gifts…but why?

Bible Society Australia has brought a fresh retelling of the Christmas story, especially designed for 5-7 year olds, titled The Really Good News of Christmas – for Me! This delightful little book is designed for young Australian kids. It tells the story of Christmas, using fun contemporary language, in the context of God’s love.

Last year, 250,000 copies were ordered for free by churches, schools and everyday Aussies. However, signs of early demand have meant Bible Society is set to print more than 300,000 for Christmas 2018.

Then Mary set off travelling, with Joseph right beside,
They walked and talked for miles and miles, till Bethlehem arrived.
With a baby inside Mary, who was going to be King,
When they finally arrived, there was no room at the inn!

Churches across Australia have embraced this little book. Pentecostal churches like C3 in Darwin, traditional Catholic parish churches in Sale and Anglican churches in Sydney are just a few of the many faith communities giving The Really Good News of Christmas – for Me! to children in playgroups, carols events and their congregations.

And in this place, the baby was born.
So they stayed in the spot where animals fed,
And the baby had straw instead of a bed.

Given that many people have never actually heard or read the Nativity story, Bible Society wants to help individuals and churches share The Really Good News with as many people as possible.

Bible Society CEO, Dr Greg Clarke, says the little book reminds children that Christmas is more than just Santa Claus.

“As a family, we enjoy Santa Claus and the exchange of presents. However, we also talk about the baby Jesus – God’s gift to us.

“However, many children don’t know about Jesus anymore. Their kindergarten might do a Christmas play, but it is more likely to be secular. Christmas hymns are more often than not replaced by Jingle Bells in shopping centres,” Dr Clarke explained.

“That is why we want as many children to read this little book. It opens a bigger story. A story that is beyond themselves and the world they see every day. It is a really good news story!”

Bible Society is offering individuals the opportunity to order three of these little books for free. To find out more visit: biblesociety.org.au/reallygood

For more information contact Penny Mulvey, Head of Communications and Public Affairs
0403 063 499
[email protected]  