Open The Bible
The Bible is God’s true and life-giving word, inspired by the Holy Spirit and supported by thousands of ancient manuscripts and historical records, offering timeless hope and purpose for all people through Jesus Christ.
For more than 200 years, we are championing the Bible across the world, from prisons in Australia to churches in China.
The Bible is not one book but a collection of writings by people from many and varied backgrounds. Each writer was guided by the Holy Spirit of God, yet their individuality and character is still evident.
It is all one story, however – about God, who loves his creation so much that he himself paid the price that would restore humanity to fellowship with God. The Old Testament looks forward to, and the New Testament centers on, the life, death and resurrection of God’s Son, Jesus Christ.
The purpose of the Bible is to show us who God is, what God is like, and what he has done. As we read its words we understand more of what God in his love requires from us.
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Why is it so good for Australia?
Over the last 200 years, the Bible has done Australia a lot of good
Belief in human dignity
The Bible is a foundation to our human rights and our legal system
A passion for community service
Bible readers are more likely to volunteer to help others.
Our great charities
Of the 30 largest charities in Australia, 26 are faith-based.
The values we cherish
The most common ANZAC statement is “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” It’s a Bible verse that captures our national vision for humility, sacrifice and friendship between equals.
A vision of eternity
If there is one Bible word all Australians would recognise, it’s eternity. It’s the message of God’s love for us in Jesus Christ, a love that will last forever.
Purchases that make a difference.
The purchase of publications from Bible Society Australia directly supports Bible mission work in Australia and around the world, enabling people of different races and backgrounds to Open The Bible to all people everywhere by all means possible.

Support us
Our vision is to see all people engaged with the Bible in a language they can understand, in a format they can use, and at a price they can afford.
Help us fund the mission at home.