“…so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
Isaiah 55:11
God’s word is alive, powerful and active. Through it, God changes people’s lives, often miraculously. God’s word must ring out across the world to reach people who desperately need the message that he loves them. This core belief is at the heart of Bible Society’s work.
As a member of the United Bible Societies, we contributed last year to the distribution of over 30 million Bibles and hundreds of millions of Scripture portions around the world. We are seeing a concerted global effort to complete the task of Bible translation in every language, and we are excited to see that the end is in sight. Before too long, every tribe and nation could have access to the life-giving Word of God. Thank you for running the race with us towards this wonderful goal.
In 2016, we partnered in 33 projects across the world, including the support of Bible literacy work in South Sudan and South Africa, Bible distribution in Syria and Bible translation and distribution in the islands of the South Pacific. The Scriptures were distributed to those who didn’t have them, the Bible was translated, and support was given to those in need of the Bible’s message of truth, goodness and the unconditional love of Jesus.
In Australia, we have seen progress in Indigenous Bible translation, tens of thousands of Bibles distributed in schools, prisons, hospitals and the Defence Forces, and hundreds of thousands of Bibles sent out through our online Bible shop and the work of Koorong books.
Through Eternity newspaper and the Eternity online platform, we are spreading the good news of what God is doing in Australia and beyond to new audiences. The Centre for Public Christianity continues to offer a gracious and reasonable Christian voice in the public square, using innovative media and excellent scholarship. We are proud to advocate for the goodness, truthfulness and attractiveness of the way of Jesus Christ.
At Bible Society Australia, we are constantly aware that under God we depend on the support of our donors to carry out this work. This year, as we celebrate 200 years of Bible Society work in our nation, we are particularly conscious of everyone who has been part of the journey to advance God’s word in Australia and around the world.
Thank you for your continuing support for the work of the Bible Society, ensuring that God’s word is delivered to people in their heart language, at a price they can afford, and in a format they can use to understand God’s love for them in Jesus.
In the Lord,
Greg Clarke
Group CEO
33 projects across the world
In 2016 Bible Society Australia supported 33 projects across the world; from China to Syria, from Nicaragua to Kazakhstan, from Egypt to the South Pacific. We engaged in Bible advocacy, Bible distribution, Bible engagement, Bible production, Bible translation, and capacity building with and through Bible Societies across the globe.
Please click on the images below for more information on some of our major projects.
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