Mongolia: Bible Translation


This project aims to meet the demand for a new Mongolian translation that is easier to understand for both readers and listeners. The project seeks to produce an exemplary translation in Mongolian and to have a strong impact among Mongol-speakers around the world. Started in 2015, the translation is projected for completion in 2027.

The population of Mongolia is over three million, which includes approximately 65,000 Christians.

Mongolia uses the Khalkh dialect in all its official documents and all Mongolians understand this main dialect. With literacy rates of over 95 per cent, most Mongolian people can read and write the Khalkh dialect.

A translation that is more understandable and naturally flowing in this dialect has been greatly needed for many years now, as expressed by church leaders and believers.

This translation has the potential of being widely used in all Protestant as well as Catholic and Russian Orthodox churches in Mongolia.


  • 3.3 million population in Mongolia
  • 65,000 Christians in Mongolia
  • 95% of Mongolian people can read and write in the Khalkh dialect

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