Jordan: Bibles and Bread


Bible Society Jordan is reaching out to refugee families and underprivileged Jordanian families with practical support, basic needs, and the word of God in partnership with local churches.

Over the years, Jordan has been known to be a land of refuge for many Arab and Non-Arab populations. Since 2011, millions of Syrian refugees have fled to safety in Jordan, residing inside camps and the outside. As wars continue, many refugees have had to prolong their stay in Jordan with minimal living situations, and furthermore, were followed by hundreds of thousands of persecuted Iraqis. These Iraqi refugees in Jordan have fled persecution in defence of their Christian faith and have sacrificed everything they own for their faith.

Yet Jordan continues to be an economically challenged country, with limited resources and high unemployment rates. Many families live in extreme poverty and lack basic living necessities. The post-COVID-19 financial situation means that there is a heightened demand for assistance and an increased burden on both local communities and refugee families.

The needs of these families have urged Bible Society Jordan to take a step forward and extend help to those in need.


  • Jordan hosts some 760,000 refugees, mainly Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis and other nationalities.
  • Over 80 per cent of refugees live among Jordanians in the communities.

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