Let children know God loves them

It's the message they most need to hear

Words of love

The world bombards our children with a million messages, and it’s easy for them to be confused. But God’s message to them is simple: he loves them. Our task is to let them know, in ways, words and images that help them understand.

Sharing with the young at home

Australians who love God’s word help us provide age-appropriate Bibles, resources and Scripture-based programs to connect children with Scripture. These are shared in public school religious education classes, at Masterclass events and increasingly through digital means. At our Koorong stores and online at koorong.com one can also buy Bibles, storybooks, comics, calendars, puzzles and much more that present God to the young.

EJ in Sydney read a children’s book provided by Bible Society supporters. In words and colourful drawings, the book told him that God made the world and loved everything in it – and it clicked in his mind that this included him. EJ said the thing he loved most about the book was learning that “God loves me.”

At a Christian camp for teens, a young girl received a free Bible and had this to say: “I learnt so much about God this week. I learnt that he loves me and is with me and always will be. I also learnt that the Bible isn’t just an old book, but that I can use it to know more about God.”

Telling children overseas

In very different parts of the world – often where Christians are under pressure – God’s word is reaching out to the young. Bible Society’s Bible-based literacy programs, for instance, provide more than reading skills. As children read and hear Bible stories, they discover the God who cares for them and it sets their lives on a new path.

Mariam is ten years old and attends one such class in Egypt. Living in a place of political instability and violence, Mariam heard about the love of Jesus and was inspired. “I live in this crowded area and we are not kind at all toward each other. But Jesus was so kind to the people surrounding him. My favourite Bible verse is Eph.4:32, which says, ‘Be kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ.'”

How wonderful that besides acquiring a life skill, children can learn and own a message of hope. Bishop Otukile Botha Motshwaed says this of a similar program we run in South Africa: “I am convinced that this will impact the lives of children… the  lives of families… and the broader society.” Thanking our supporters, he says: “I think you are the right sowers to the right ground. Kids are the right ground.”

Telling and training

Proverbs 22:6 says, ‘Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.’

That’s why this work among children is vital. By sharing God’s word with the young in Australia and around  the world, you can introduce the next generation to our loving Saviour. For many young people, it will be the very first time they learn of him. Please, don’t let God’s message get lost amongst the world’s noise. Give a child a Bible today – and let them know Jesus loves them.

Prayer Points

  • Pray that every children’s Bible and resource will plant a seed that grows
  • Ask the Lord to help the young grow to their the full potential
  • Pray for God’s protection over the young  in Australia and worldwide

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