What capacity building is needed for Bible Society South Pacific?

Laying the foundations for local Bible Societies through the Oceania Alliance.

Capacity building is a development approach that empowers local organisations to make an impact in their own communities. It’s exciting collaborative work that will see Bible Societies across the Pacific defining and directing their own projects.

Capacity building starts from a place of understanding that local people are best positioned to meet local spiritual needs. Our role is to support, resource, and enable local Pacific Bible workers as they share the Gospel with their communities.

Building capacity collaboratively

The Oceania Alliance is all about building capacity. It’s a newly formed collaborative partnership between the Bible Societies of Australia, Papua New Guinea (PNG), and the South Pacific.

This ‘best practice’ approach to Opening The Bible presents an exciting opportunity to work more closely together – sharing resources and encouragement.

Facilitating this alliance is one way Bible Society Australia can support capacity building in our region. And you can donate to support this important work – and Open the Bible with your neighbour.


South Pacific: Capacity building in practice

Bible Society South Pacific serves 2.8 million people living among 16 island nations which are scattered across a vast area of 15% of the globe’s surface. More than half of the population live in isolated, underdeveloped rural communities and are among the most remote countries on earth. There is an urgent need to build Bible Society’s capacity, in order to reach future generations with the Gospel.

“The current biggest challenge for us here in the South Pacific is the size of the region we serve,” says Geoffry Miller, Bible Society South Pacific’s General Secretary. “We have a vast mission field …and people to reach.”

Among these communities there are approximately 281 native languages and dialects. Although there are many who belong to the Christian faith –  between 80 to 90%- many do not have Scriptures in their own language, and find it hard to read other languages.

Geoffry affirms, “We also do have the big need within Bible translation itself. There is so much to do but with little people to do it.”

Bible Society is working on the translation of Bibles into 16 major languages in Vanuatu as well as the Solomon Islands, Tonga and Samoa, but greater efficiency is desperately needed to finish these projects.


Here are some of the ways Bible Society South Pacific is building capacity:

  • Restructuring their Bible translation approach: Bible Society South Pacific are restructuring and relocating their Bible translation headquarters. The move to a centralised location in Vanuatu will mean that Bible translation work is more streamlined and connected, and by also building and training the staff team, they will be able to accelerate the completion of current projects.
  • Upgrading their IT systems and security: by increasing their IT infrastructure and security, BSSP will ensure efficient and effective Bible work into the future. By acquiring upgraded IT equipment and software, with internet equipment for greater accessibility and connectivity, staff will be able to work productively both internally and in remote locations.
  • Investing in Bible stock: securing supply lines (a challenge in the post pandemic climate) of both Fijian and English Bibles to meet increasing demand from their communities for printed Bibles.

Geoffry says with confidence, “With the resources that we can share with Bible Society Australia and  Bible Society Papua New Guinea, we believe that reaching our people will be possible.”

Give to Open The Bible across the Pacific

Building capacity in the Pacific will allow the Oceania Alliance to reach people in some of the hardest-to-reach places on earth.

By giving a gift to support the Oceania Alliance, you can be part of this important work.

Donate to Open The Bible to more people across the Pacific.

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