Sower Magazine

Winter 2024 Edition

A message from the CEO

Dear Friend,

How do you handle life's roadblocks? It’s frustrating when obstacles hinder your goals. In this Sower edition, we see how our Asian brothers and sisters, by God’s grace, overcome barriers to access the Bible, their heart’s desire.

The Bible Society aids Bible access across Asia. In Pakistan, students face literacy barriers due to undiagnosed eyesight issues. This year, they’ll receive tests and glasses for better literacy. Maryam, a student, says, “I am thankful for the Bible Society for giving wisdom through education.”

In China, Guo waited 44 years for her own Bible. She sees it as a spiritual necessity, saying,  that “Owning a Bible is more than a desire.” Her words underscore its importance: “It’s a lifeline, a source of hope, and the key to a beautiful life.”

Read these stories in Sower, showing how Bible Society overcomes barriers in Asia. The Bible is vital for Christians, ‘for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness’ (2 Timothy 3:16-17, NIV).


Grant Thomson


Dive into some of the stories from our Winter edition:

Pray with us

Join us in praying for our Bible Society projects in Asia in the areas of literacy, Bible engagement and translation.

This winter, let’s keep the Bangladesh Bible Society in our thoughts as they strive to teach literacy to rural women and pre-primary children, hoping for their protection, provision, and the support of community leaders. In Sri Lanka, we hope for the success of translating Jesus’ parables into Sign Language, empowering students and ensuring their safety. Our attention then turns to Pakistan, where we hope for the success of the Bible Society’s project aimed at equipping underprivileged women with literacy skills, and for the safety of their staff. We also keep the Bible Society’s work with ethnic minorities in Vietnam in our thoughts, as well as their efforts to translate the Old Testament for the Vietnamese Study Bible. In China, we hope for the successful printing and distribution of Bibles and for new believers to be nurtured in their faith. Lastly, in Papua New Guinea, we keep the people in our thoughts following severe flooding and an earthquake, hoping for their protection and the success of health efforts from the Living Child team.


Where it's needed and necessary