You are making a difference


We translate the Bible into the world's languages

We support the ongoing task of translating the Bible into the world’s languages, including in Indigenous languages and sign language (Auslan) in Australia.

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We provide Bibles to those who want one

We provide free Bibles and other Bible products to people both overseas and in Australia, many of whom have never owned their own Bible. We give Bibles to chaplains of hospitals, schools, prisons and the defence forces.

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We help people open the Bible

We encourage people’s faith journey through Bible engagement campaigns as well as helping to fund indigenous and overseas Bible-based literacy programs.

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We promote the beauty and power of God’s word

We champion the Bible in the media, at universities and schools, as well as through our digital and publishing channels, always pointing to the relevance of Christianity today and always.

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If you are interested in finding out more, explore our ways to give:

God's Word for Australia

Would you support Opening The Bible to all Australian people?



The Lighthouse is a generous and faithful group of monthly givers on a mission to share the Bible with the world.
