Ways you can engage with Bible Society projects in Australia

This season, we are thrilled to shed light on our Remote and Indigenous Ministry Support projects and Scripture Grants program that serves to Open The Bible Together with our Indigenous brothers and sisters and other communities across Australia. We invite you to engage with and delve deeper into these local projects, and here are a few ways you can do so:

1. Read

Immerse yourself in the rich stories of Translation Consultants from our Remote & Indigenous Ministry Support team, Mother Tongue Bible translators, Christian chaplains and more. Learn about their incredible journey as they diligently work to bring the Scriptures to life in their heart languages and cultural contexts.

Bible Society Australia’s blogs:

Translation Corner with Sam Freney 

Opening The Bible Together – An enduring friendship, a shared calling, and a lasting legacy

Opening the Bible Together amidst life’s challenges 

When Opening The Bible together brings healing 

Eternity News:

How Bible translation is restoring a town, a language, a culture

Working together for the Gospel in the top end

The Indigenous Bible translation glass is half-full, not half-empty

Keeping ancient words alive

2. Watch

Expand your understanding by watching compelling interviews with Indigenous Bible translators, and translation consultants, where you’ll discover the profound impact their invaluable work has on their communities, as they carry the torch of language revitalisation for future generations.

Open The Bible Together Appeal with Lorraine Williams


Milliwanga Wurrben on the Rembarrnga language 


Kanytjupai Armstrong and Ann Ecket’s Bible translation journey


Reviving the Noongar language (Bible translator, Charmaine Councillor)


Coming together in translation (BSA Translation Consultant, Sam Freney)


3. Listen

Tune in and listen to thought-provoking talks from the Centre for Public Christianity (CPX) podcast. You’ll gain fresh insights and perspectives on the significance of Opening The Bible to all people, and nurturing a profound connection to faith.

How to revive a language – Interview with Charmaine Councillor 

4. Pray

Join us in uplifting BSA’s work in your prayers. We invite you to align your heart with ours and intercede for the ongoing Bible translation and distribution efforts. Pray for new opportunities to emerge, allowing us to extend the reach of the Bible and touch lives in transformative ways.

Read our monthly Prayer Letter

5. Donate

Make a lasting impact through your giving. Your financial support will propel the work of Bible translation and distribution, ensuring that countless lives are touched by the transforming power of God’s word. By contributing to this work, you are partnering with Bible translators, chaplains and a wider community of ministries all seeking to Open The Bible to all people by all means possible.


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