‘The children were without clothes and there was no education’

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“After I was married, I came to this village [in remote Nepal]. It was very poor. There was jungle everywhere. I pushed aside the plants so I could walk through.”

“There were many people living here from the Chepang caste. They were living in small houses made of sticks, and at night they were very cold. They didn’t have enough blankets. They cooked on banana leaves. The children were without clothes and there was no education. It made me feel really sad. So I went back to our church in Pokhara and I asked them to help with clothes. Then, we started to help with school supplies.

“Slowly, I had a vision for a children’s development project that could help the needy children in the villages outside of Pokhara to go to school. We started slowly and now we help 160 needy children to go to school. We also give goats and bees and fruit trees to the villagers for income generation.

“The reason we do this is because of John 15:12. Jesus said, “Love each other as I have loved you.” I first read that verse when I was thirteen years old. Back then, my parents had died and I had contracted leprosy, so I went to the leprosy hospital and I got treatment there. That’s where I learned to read and write, and I heard about Jesus.

“God has shown us so much love in Jesus, so that’s why we also show love.”

Shankar’s story is part of Eternity’s Faith Stories series, compiled by Naomi Reed. Click here for more Faith Stories.

Bible verse John 15 12

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