Opening The Bible across the Pacific

Bible Societies unite to reach some of the hardest-to-reach places on earth.

An alliance of neighbours

Today we’re celebrating the formation of the Bible Society Oceania Alliance: a collaborative effort between Bible Societies of Australia, Papua New Guinea (PNG) and the South Pacific.

Across the Pacific region, Bible workers are tirelessly Opening The Bible with their local communities. They cross oceans, climb mountains, and fly into some of the hardest-to-reach places on earth. And they do it for the love of their neighbours – and their love of the Bible.

The goal is to support the capacity of local Bible Society teams as they share the Gospel with their communities. It’s an opportunity to create a more collaborative regional Bible Society that works more closely together on:

  • Scripture translation
  • Bible distribution
  • Church engagement and training
  • Bible-based literacy programs.

Our neighbours in the Pacific face challenges we don’t think much about at home. They experience extreme poverty, illiteracy, and the region is prone to natural disasters. These issues have only been further compounded by COVID-19, and while the need across the region is truly great, the opportunity is even greater.

Geoffry Miller works with Bible Society South Pacific and is based in Fiji. He says the alliance is about sharing skills and resources more efficiently and effectively across the Pacific by “doing it together”.

“That’s how we see it. The dream going forward is that we can do it together,” he says. “We can translate more Bibles and reach more people together than we ever could alone.”

Will you join us in Opening The Bible for our neighbours across the Pacific?

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Opening The Bible in Papua New Guinea

With over 820 languages, Papua New Guinea is home to more languages than any other country. But more than 300 of those are still waiting for a Bible translation.

There is an urgent need to build the capacity of the local Bible Society team here. Poverty and illiteracy amplify the needs of people living in remote, mountainous and inaccessible areas.

Sharing God’s word in the South Pacific

Bible Society South Pacific serves 16 island nations, spread over a vast ocean. Travel between the islands is costly. Coupled with the wide variety of cultures and languages,  local teams face unique challenges.

The area is prone to tropical cyclones and COVID-19 has added pressure. These disasters have led to a high demand for the trauma healing resources this local Bible Society provides.


 Ways You Can Help


1. Pray together

Please join us in praying for the Oceania Alliance and our neighbours across the Pacific. Pray for:

Bible Society South Pacific’s trauma healing program

On top of COVID-19, the South Pacific has faced natural disasters and political and social upheaval. Local workers have received trauma healing training to support their church capacity building work.

Please pray this program can bring resilience and peace.

The formation of the Oceania Alliance

Pray that a regional mindset and heart would be embraced as we move towards an Oceania Alliance. Pray for greater collaboration and continuity in the work.

Pray for capacity building among our Pacific neighbours, particularly for staff training and the development of IT infrastructure and security.

Bible Society Papua New Guinea

Thank God for ongoing Bible translation in Papua New Guinea. Pray that with a new translations manager and a new plan, many current translation projects would come to fruition.

Pray for the reactivation of Bible projects in PNG as this Bible Society is built up, including:
• Bible-based literacy programs

  • Recording of audio Bibles
  • Scripture engagement programs
  • Bible distribution.

2. Give today and Open The Bible with your neighbour

Opening the word together deepens our knowledge, expands our faith and helps God’s truth flourish in our lives.

Together, as an Oceania Alliance, we can reach people in some of the hardest to reach places on earth. But we can’t do it without you.

Please give today and Open The Bible with your neighbour.


Donate today



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