Bible translation in
7,378 languages

5.75 billion people worldwide have access to the full Bible

A great year to celebrate Bible translation

We observe International Translation Day with special joy as we mark 75 years of the United Bible Societies (UBS). This fellowship of 150 Bible Societies works jointly to translate, publish and share the Bible, a movement that began out of one girl’s desire to have a Bible. Now, as then, faithful supporters make this work possible. Together with them and our translation partners, Bible Societies have provided Scripture in thousands of the world’s languages. These comprise full Bibles, New Testaments, shorter Bibles, Books and Gospels as well as Scripture portions.

Scripture in major and minority languages

The number of languages with Scripture translated now stands at 7,378. Bible Societies have provided translations in languages spoken by major language groups as well minority communities, helping to keep languages alive. In the five years from 2015-2019 alone, Bible Societies completed Scripture translations in 270 languages used by 1.7 billion people.

717 languages with a full Bible

For the first time in history, the full Bible is available in over 700 languages. This is an incredible milestone, with 5.75 billion people now having access to the full Bible. Bible Societies – backed by our supporters – are responsible for helping to complete more than 70 per cent of the full translations.

1200 new Bible translations by 2038

United Bible Societies has a Bible Translation Roadmap goal – to complete 1,200 translations by 2038, which will make Scripture accessible to 600 million people. It’s a journey we make confidently, knowing we travel always with the prayers and generosity of our supporters.

UBS is a fellowship of 150 Bible Societies in 240 countries and territories worldwide. They operate independently, but work together as an interdependent global organisation to spread God’s word. The fuel for this achievement is undoubtedly the partnership of faithful and generous local supporters. Where conflict or resistance to the gospel makes fundraising impossible, Bible Societies are aided by ‘funding Bible Societies’ like Bible Society Australia. Once again, this ability comes squarely from the partnership of our supporters.

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