Joel Peter, General Secretary, Bible Society PNG
Bible translation is an urgent need within Papua New Guinea (PNG), with a population of 8.9 million and over 800 known languages, 300 of which have no Scripture at all.
Amid the struggles in recent years to maintain a stable presence in their country, Bible Society PNG has demonstrated their commitment to Bible translation.
Joel Peter, who, prior to taking on the responsibility of General Secretary was the Translations Advisor, is excited to announce the recent appointment of a new Translations Manager, David Loea. Joel goes on to say, “Recently we have been working with the new Translations Advisor to give a roadmap for translation programs under Bible Society and so…there has been huge progress made by three or four projects which are near completion.”
One of these projects is the revision of the popular Tok Pisin Bible, first published in 1989. The project has been well managed, despite the impact of COVID-19.
“We want to get the word of God into the languages of the people as accurately as possible” – Joel Peter, General Secretary, Bible Society PNG
When finished, the modern contemporary revision will support Tok Pisin speakers to know their Bibles more intimately, and support their witness beyond their own people group.
As the revision advances, more people are using the revised text to preach and teach in their congregations.