Mongolia: Braille Literacy


Bible Society Australia is partnering with the Mongolian Union Bible Society (MUBS) to bring light to the lives of people with visual disabilities, by teaching them how to read Braille.

There are about 11,000 visually disabled people in Mongolia, with almost half having more than 50% sight loss. Although there is no official data on the literacy percentage of people with visual disabilities, the officials who are working with the group say only 10% percent are literate in Braille.

Many of those with visual disabilities live in remote areas, which further isolates them from social life. Some families hide their blind members, not allowing them out of their homes (ger/yurts).

There are very few people and organisations who advocate for the visually impaired in Mongolia; they are an unseen people.


  • There are 11,000 visually disabled people in Mongolia, with almost half having more than 50% sight loss
  • 90% of the 11,000 are not literate in Braille

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